Rambla de Barcelona (Spain)

Workshop — ENTOURAGE

Urban mobility in Barcelona: moving towards sustainable and age-inclusive urban transitions

The Research Group on Territorial Analysis and Tourism Studies (GRATET) of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) invites you to this scientific and knowledge transfer seminar.

The seminar represents the final event of the ENTOURAGE project, awarded to the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie call of the European H2020 framework. The project principally studies the transformations and impediments to urban mobility in cities with high tourist attraction, and their effects on the inclusion of the older population. ENTOURAGE is led by Dr. Wilbert den Hoed and uses quantitative, qualitative and participatory research methods to collect older residents and visitors’ experiences of active mobility in an urban environment. These methods have been applied in the city of Barcelona, while two additional case studies in Amsterdam and Venice have acted as benchmarks about the effects of tourism practices and tourism management.

The presentation and exchange event will take place on Friday 8 September, at 10am in the Joan Maragall room of the Pati Llimona civic centre in Barcelona (Carrer del Regomir 3). We will present the results of the ENTOURAGE project itself, while the event will also feature additional academic interventions by experts on topics related to urban ageing, tourism and mobility in the city of Barcelona and beyond. This programme is the fruit of a collective effort between the ENTOURAGE project, its partners, and other ongoing or recently completed research projects. Among others, the event will count on the participation of:

  • Manchester Urban Ageing Research Group, expert research group on topics related to ageing in the city (Manchester University)
  • SMARTDEST Project: Policy innovation to tackle social exclusion associated with the effects of tourism in cities (led by the URV)
  • VISITMOB Project: Visitor mobility in the city of Barcelona after COVID 19 (led by the URV)
  • GRANBCN Project: Social isolation and loneliness among older people in Barcelona (led by the Centre for Demographic Studies and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).

The additional presentations of the research projects will be made according to the lightning talk concept, a format that allows the key messages to be shared within limited time. The presentations will be followed by a roundtable discussion on urban transitions towards active mobility, the social inclusion of older people, and the conditioning effect of a city’s touristic attraction. The final part of the seminar summarises the contents of the day with an extraction of highlights, new ideas and priorities for management and public policies.

Attendance to the seminar requires prior registration (free) due to the capacity limits of the venue. Registration will close on 4 September.

The languages of the seminar are Catalan, Spanish and English.